Say it ain’t snow?

This page contains hints for the puzzles contained in the Say it ain’t snow Christmas Puzzle Card.

For each piece of information you need, you can find a general hint which tells you where on the card to look. This is followed by more detailed hints and finally the answer.

Hints for Where

Focus on Santa's playlist. The songs seems to be mixed up. The numbers at the end are key.

Correct the song titles. The numbers at the end tell you which letter to pick out.

The first song should be "Last Christmas". The 2.5 tells you to take the 5th letter from the 2nd word, which is S. Doing this for each one on Side A then Side B (found on the back of the card) gives: Snow City.

Hints for Who

Read the text carefully, it is not right.

There are a number of words with spelling mistakes (extra letters).

The first mistake is in the word stables, it has an extra B. Collecting all the extra letters gives: Belle.

To find out who poisoned the reindeer, focus on the text inside the card.

To find out where the guilty person is hiding, focus on Santa's playlist.

To find out what time the reindeer were poisoned, focus on signs in the main image.

Hints for the Cure

The houses look slighty odd, no doors, only windows.

The windows have been specifically placed. Focus on what is left, the shape around the windows. The answer is a food.

The windows have been placed to make letters on the front on each house. The first one is H, the second U...the final answer being: Hummus.

Hints for Why

The bells on each reindeer hold the key.

Each reindeer has a specific number of bells, the order on the back of the card will help.

The reindeer on the left closest to the sleigh is Dancer (given by the key on the back of the card). Notice they have 6 bells, one for each letter of their name and the second one is a different colour. This tells us to take the second letter "A". Doing this for each reindeer gives "ATNASTRUH". Read it backwords it spells: Hurt Santa.

Hints for Time

The sign posts on the front right hold the answer. For some places, the sign points both ways. Odd.

The arrows on the signs are key.

The arrow for "Toy Factory" points left, take the T. "Donkey Ranch" points right, take the H. "Reindeer Lodge" points both ways, take the R and the E. Continuing this way gives: Three AM.

The reindeer in the main image hold the answer.

To find out what the cure is, focus on the houses in the main image.