I am having a go at creating puzzles using the daily prompts set by enigmarch.com as part of EnigMarch. 

EnigMarch is a month-long create-a-puzzle-per-day challenge. Every day in March, a unique one-word prompt will be shared, deliberately broad to encourage multiple interpretations, that serve as jumping-off points for puzzle-creating genius to flourish.

Day 1

Need a hint?

Follow the instructions along the bottom with out falling off.

The starting point is not given on purpose. Only one route can be taken without falling off

Collect letters along your route, think old style texting.

Starting at four, one press means take the G. Then is right two, press press press, means take the O. Down one, press gives W. Then up t1 press gives N. Giving "GOWN".

Day 2

Need a hint?

You need to correct the film titles.

False = true.

Fixing False Truths you get True Lies. Correct them all, can this answer be trusted?

The solutions are True Lies, Truly, Madly, Deeply, True Love and The trueman show. The higltighted letters give slow. Continuing the theme of opposites the answer is "FAST".

Day 3

Need a hint?

Something is not quite right with these song titles.

Something thas been added to each one.

There is one word in each title with an extra letter, collect these.

The extra letters are R (strop), H (meh), Y (rainy), t (stay), H (ah) and M (them). These spell "RHYTHM".

Day 4

Need a hint?

The placement of the shapes is important.

The number of sides the shapes have is also important.

The vowels don't change, the other letters gets shifted based on the position of the shapes and the number of sides it has.

The Z has a triangle to the right, this tells you to shift it 3 back to W. The D has a square to the left, this tells you to shift it forward 4 to H. The A is sat in a circle so stays as an A. The full sentance reads "what gets wetter the more is dries?" The answer is "TOWEL".

Day 5

Need a hint?

Start on the left and follow the signs.

Staring on the left, there is only one route that doesn't quickly take you of the path.

The black lines on each sign are a clue how far to travel.

The start is N on the left. The direction of the sign and three black arrows tell you to go right 3, this takes you to A. Next is down 1 to V. Continuing like this and collecting the letters gives you "NAVIGATION".

Day 6

Need a hint?

Count the circles, the answer will give you a hint.

There are 26 circles what else contains 26 characters?

The alphabet contains 26 letters. Starting at the top with A, work your way round.

Labelling the top circle as A, work your way through the alphabet to label the other circles. Taking the letters that fall on the yellow circles spells "curved".

Day 7

Need a hint?

The answer is found by decoding the 7 symbols across the bottom.

The eye direction is key.

The first symbol along the bottom is looking top left, so this is O. The second symbol is looking bottom left, so this is V etc…

Continuing to pick the letter out from the main image by the direction the eye is pointing below gives "oversee".

Day 8

Need a hint?

This is a common cipher with a twist.

It is the pig pen cipher (the key can be found with a quick internet search.

As it has been “rocked” and all the dots have fallen out, most of the symbols can be two letters. The first one can be T or X, the second H or Q etc…

Decoding by making some guesses between letters (e.g. the first letter is much more likely to be T than X) you get “The solution you are after is "SHAKE".

Day 9

Need a hint?

The thread hanging below the letters is the key.

Count how many knots are below each letter.

Shift the letter down the alphabet by that amount

The letter T has three knots below it so go down the alphabet 3 to W. The letter H has one knot below so becomes I etc… The final answer is "WISHED".

Day 10

Need a hint?

Each row represents a number, in binary.

You may wish to look up how binary numbers work. For this puzzle, OFF = 0 and ON = 1.

The first number is 00010 = 2 = B.

Each row gives a number in binary, you then need to pick out that letter in the alphabet. For example, the second row is 01001 = 9 = i. The final answer is "BINARY".

Day 11

Need a hint?

That piece of bridge that has fallen off will be useful.

Where should it go on the bridge?

The piece has fallen from across the middle.

Putting the bridge piece back across the middle (or put a line through it) reveals the word "SHARP".

Day 12

Need a hint?

The shape of the shield is key.

Count the sides of each shield.

Use the number of sides of each shield with the name below it.

The first shield has 6 sides, take the sixth letter from the name, Guinevere, below it. This gives the letter “v”. Continue doing this for each one to spell the word "VAULT".

Day 13

Need a hint?

Each image represents a type of wave.

Each number below the images translate to a letter.

The first one is radio wave, the first number is 5 so the first letter of the answer is O.

The images are radio wave, shock wave, heat wave, brain wave and sine wave. The numbers 54233 tell you which letter to take from each answer to give "OCEAN".

Day 14

Need a hint?

Each Number represents a letter, there is a key within the image.

The key in my name, bottom middle.

Some letters have replaced by numbers in @morgan’sescapes. So 2 = o and 5 = a.

2 is the second letter and equals o, 5 is the fifth letter and equals a. So we can assume m = 1, r = 3 etc.. This give the answer "ROGAN".

Day 15

Need a hint?

Nothing to solve as such, you just need to read it.

Hold it further away.

The answer is not pop.

The riddle reads David’s father has three sons: snap. crackle and …? The answer is "DAVID".

Day 16

Need a hint?

Each card represents one letter.

The two of spades = P.

The two of diamonds = I.

For each card the number represents which letter to take from that suit. For example, the ace of spades would be S. In this case, the answer is "PILOT".