AcceptanceThis page contains hints for the puzzles contained in the game Acceptance.Ready to open the safe? Go To Safe School Calendar Need a hint? Hint 1 Hint 2 Hint 3 Solution Focus on the numbers circled in red.The answer is not 17. Each number circled in red translates to a letter. The month they fall in is important. The three circled in October translates to the letter "t", the third letter in the month October. Picking out all the letters you get t, e, h, i and g. Rearranged, these spell eight. Canteen Menu Need a hint? Hint 1 Hint 2 Hint 3 Solution The answer lies in the menu items. All the items mentioned in the menu have something in common. They all have double letters. Pick these out Picking out the double letters gives "price to get one apple" which is TWO. Equipment List Need a hint? Hint 1 Hint 2 Hint 3 Solution The answer lies in the notebook and something else is out of place. The bottom of the page is different here to all the rest, it holds the key. The school moto, achieve, develop, challenge has been shifted. It gives you the key to deciphering the notepad. The school moto has been shifted by 2. A has become C, B has become D etc. Undoing this to decode the note gives "if the day before yesterday was the 23rd then what will be the day after tomorrow? 27. Drama Club Need a hint? Hint 1 Hint 2 Hint 3 Solution Take a close look at the song list on the back. Read them carefully, something is off. Each song has one word in its name with an extra letter in it. The extra letters are in stay, meh, strop, mean and storey. Taking these letters gives three. Cars Need a hint? Hint 1 Hint 2 Hint 3 Solution Use the statements to find the finishing order of the cars. Where have you seen cars? There are nine cars in the race. Work through the statements. The yellow, red and blue cars are good ones to start with The white and purple are easy to place next. The key statement to work out the final few places is "the green car finished ahead of the black car." The order, starting with first place is - red, blue, green, orange, yellow, pink, black, white, purple. Match the cars on each clue to this order to get the final code. Welcome Letter Need a hint? Hint 1 Hint 2 Hint 3 Solution You will need ID card alone with the welcome letter. Those numbers in the box are a code, they tell you which letters need to be picked out. 4.8.1 tells you to go to line 4, word ...... 4.8.1 means go to line 4, word 8, letter 1. Working your way throught the other four in the same way you pick out the letters to spell seven. Sample Tasks Below are links to hints for the individual questions. The attached note tells you what to do with the answers. Mathematical Reasoning 1Mathematical Reasoning 2English Reasoning 1English Reasoning 2 Science Club Need a hint? Hint 1 Hint 2 Hint 3 Solution Focus on the numbers in the test tube. These match up to the periodic table on the other side. The number 49 matches In, 74 matches W etc... Matching them all give "In which classroom does Heather Clark teach in". The writing on the leaflet tells us this is room 31. Timetable Need a hint? Hint 1 Hint 2 Hint 3 Solution Use the timetable and school map together to decode a message. Look through the timetable and find the rooms on the school map. Notice anything about the room labels on the map? Starting at Monday lesson 1, Art. When you look at the art room on the map, the t is underlined. For Physics, h is underlined. Work through the timetable to retrive all the letters. The message reads "the number you seek is fifteen". Tween Aided Lounge Need a hint? Hint 1 Hint 2 Hint 3 Solution Read it carefully. Some instructions are hidden in plain sight. The second testimonial says "I would advise anyone reading this to look at the name of this safe place carefullly and take every other letter from it". Picking out every other letter from "Teen Aided Lounge" gives "ten add one" which is 11.