Oh deer!

This page contains hints for the puzzles contained in the Oh Deer Christmas Puzzle Card.

For each piece of information you need, you can find a general hint which tells you where on the card to look. This is followed by more detailed hints and finally the answer.

Hints for What

Each frame contains a rebus puzzle to solve.

Notice the dots above or below each frame. This is the key.

The top right rebus puzzle is "Silent Night". The dots above the frame represent each letter. In this case, the first one is highlighted so take the S. Doing this for each one gives the letters "sgoeo" which can be rearranged to spell Goose. The five solutions are Silent Night, Jingle Bells, Little Donkey, Noel and Snowball.

Hints for Who

The answer is a five letter word.

The number of each ornament is key.

The first set of ornaments are stars and there are three of them so take the third letter of the word STAR. Then there are two snowmen, so take the second letter, N. Continuing like this gives: Angel.

To find out who stole Santa's favourite food, focus on the ornaments at the bottom of the main image.

To find out what food was stolen, focus on the photos within the main image.

The text inside the card holds the answer.

Hints for When

Read the text inside the card, something isn't right.

There are numbers throughout the text, what should they be?

The first number appears in the world "st2len" which should be "stolen". So 2 = O. Collecting all the letters this way, and ordering them 1-9 gives: Boxing Day.

Hints for Which

Count the lights.

That number should be familiar. Notice how some are a different colour?

There are 26 lights and 26 letters in the alphabet. Bottom right is A and working your way around the green ones are "einvx" these rearranged give Vixen.

To find out which reindeer helped, focus on the lights on the back of the card.

To find out what they were drinking, focus on the presents in the main image.

Hints for what they were Drinking

The key is in the top right of the image.

Notice the marking on the presents in the bottom right of the image. Use this with the key.

The blue present has a star bottom left. The blue present in Santa's sack has a P bottom left. Collecting letters in this was gives "P,N,U,C,H" rearanged they spell Punch. The guilty party had drank too much Christmas Punch.