Valentine’s Escape

This page contains hints for the puzzles contained in the game Valentine’s game Cupid’s Bow.

Ready to open the safe?


Need a hint?

Take a close look at the performance list.

Read them carefully, something is off.

Each song has one word in its name with an extra letter in it.

The extra letters are in will, me, stay, last and man. Taking the extra letters gives three.


Need a hint?

Focus on the flowers along the bottom of the leaflet. An article will also help.

The article helps you name them.

The number of each flower is important.

The flowers are sunflowers, roses, tulips and carnations. There are 4 sunflowers so take the 4th letters, 2 roses so take the second and so on... doing this for each spells out FOUR.

Just For Fun

Need a hint?

Complete the crossword using the clues.

Pick out the letters highlighted.

Rearrange the letters to spell a number.

The number is forty one.


Need a hint?

The prices are key.

The prices are a code to tell you which letter to take for each dish.

Prices tell you which word and letter to take.

£2.5 tells you to go to the second word and take the 5th letter which is t. Picking out all the letters gives31.


Need a hint?

Focus on the arrows at the bottom of the postcard.

A picture from the newspaper will help.

The dateline picture is the key to decode the arrows. Look at the directions the arrows point.

The first arrow points to the bottom left which is the letter N from the image. The second arrow points straight down which is the letter I. Continuing to pick out letters in this way gives nineteen.


Need a hint?

Have a read through the messages, them seem rather punny.

Link the puns to the hearts.

Pick out the pun word and use the number of hearts as a guide for which letter to take.

For each message pick out the pun and take the letter indicated by the number of hearts. So for the first message the pun word used is "mint" and the rating has four hearts so you take the "t". Doing this for each review gives 12.

Origins of Valentine's Day

Need a hint?

This article mentions long and short a lot.

The article on Morse code will help you.

Use the mentions of long and short from each paragraph and translate them using Morse code.

Dots are shorts and lines are longs. The first paragraph mentions the word short once, One short (or dot) translates to E using the Morse code key. Picking these out and translating for each paragraph spellseight.

Film Festival

Need a hint?

Focus on the film titles, they will link to something else on the leaflet.

Match each film to a word in the middle picture.

Once you have matched each film to a word there is also a clue as to which letter you need from that word.

The Final Umpire matches with REF, as the word final in mentioned in the film title, take the final letter of the word REF, F. The other matches in order are ODD (taking O), PRO (taking R), TRY (taking T) and SPY (taking Y). These letters spell the answer forty.


Need a hint?

The tarot cards can be used together to reveal a message.

One tarot card shows directions but gives no starting point. There is only one place you can start on the grid where you do not go off it and it makes a message.

There is a hint on where to start in the top left and bottom right corners.

The starting point is the letter T. Following the full directions, starting at T gives "the answer is four eights", which is thirty two.

Puzzle Order

Need a hint?

Look closely at each clue, you will notice a familar symbol on each one.

Each puzzles contains a time stamp.

Put the times in order.

Putting the time stamps in order gives 3.27am, 8.03am, 11.12am, 11.25am, 2.15pm, 4.42pm, 8.14pm, 10.11pm and 11.52pm. You will need the answers that go along with these time stamps for the actual code.