AI Today

This page contains hints for the puzzles contained in the AI puzzle game.

Ready to open up the world of AI?


Need a hint?

Find all the words listed in the crossword.

Focus on the letters left over.

Read the letters left over backwards (starting from bottom right) and do the calculation.

Film Festival

Need a hint?

Focus on the film titles, they will link to something else on the leaflet.

Match each film to a word in the middle picture.

Once you have matched each film to a word there is also a clue as to which letter you need from that word. For example, The Final Umpire matches with the word REF and the use of the word Final means take the letter R.

How AI can fix your life

Need a hint?

Read the article, something isn't quite right. You will also need the business card to go with the article.

There are some extra words in the article that don't quite make sense, pick them out and they will give you a sentence.

This sentence gives you the key to solve the cipher found in the speech bubbles on the buisness card.

Live Translate Postcard

Need a hint?

There is a word that stands out, this is a hint.

The word translate is in a different colour but what should you translate?

The P.S. section is in a different language. Trnaslate the sentence and answer the question.


Need a hint?

Complete the maze.

Look at the path coloured in.

When the correct path is coloured in, it will reveal the number.

Note Assist

Need a hint?

Read the text for a clue.

The line that starts "attend out introduction" tells you want to do.

Read the last bit of the leaflet "in reverse" aka backwards.

Photo Assist

Need a hint?

You will need the Photo assist article and leaflet.

There is a key in the top right hand corner of the image in the article.

Use the key to translate the arrows on the leagflet into letters.

Sign Post Image

Need a hint?

The way the signs are pointing is the key.

Robot Avenue is pointing two ways so gives you two letters in the answer. All the rest give you one letter.

Hardware Court pointing left = H.

Social Media Post

Need a hint?

Focus on the comments.

A letter stands out in each one.

Collect the letters in bold. Rearrange them to spell the solution.

Puzzle Order

Need a hint?

The greyscale image contains instructions on how to order your answers.

You just need to read it.

Hold it at a distance and the message will become clear.